From the folks at MITA, we welcome you to Boating Season Kickoff month!
With the unprecedented interest in boating and the outdoors, there are more people exploring all the Trail has to offer. This May, let’s get ready for boating season together through weekly events, blog posts, and email newsletters focused on both educating and inspiring the boating community (new and experienced, alike!).
MITA’s current blog posts include
• Working Waterfront 101 by Monique Coombs, Director of Community Programs, Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association
• A List of Mosquito-Infested Islands You Should Avoid by Michael Daugherty, Registered Maine Sea Kayak Guide and Co-owner, Sea Kayak Stonington
• Boating Basics: Big Ships, Little Boats + Ramp Rage by MITA contributors
• Seals, Porpoises, Sea Turtles, Oh My! by Lynda Ada Doughty, Executive Director of Marine Mammals of Maine
MITA, the Maine Island Trail Association” is responsible for assembling a chain of islands along the entire coast of Maine that offer you every type of trip, whether a few hours, days or months. We encourage you to go directly to https://mita.org to learn more about the association and how you can take advantage of it to enhance your total paddling experience.
MITA is strongly supported by Nanuq Kayaks. If you are a member and mention it when in our Shop, you will receive a discount on all items except new boats. Enjoy it and everything MITA has to offer.